Credit Adviser Consulting with Married Couple

Good Service at a Reasonable Price--Guaranteed!

Credit Repair Service

Have you ever been turned down for a home loan, car loan, or credit card? Can't get an apartment or even a stereo? If so, contact PWS Credit Repair, where we specialize in helping you repair your credit. With our help, you won't be forced to pay over-the-top interest rates for credit you obtain. We offer a free consultation over the phone to talk about what direction to go in, and we offer several different options to help clean up your credit and help you clarify your financial goals. If you work with us, we will work hard for you.

Credit repair can take from as little as 60-90 days, depending on the participation of the credit reporting agencies, credit card companies, and mortgage companies. We guarantee to remove at least 50% of your derogatory credit, and our average is 80-90% removal. Our service is guaranteed, so if we don't live up to your expectations, let us know. We charge a flat-rate fee of $500.00 with no hidden charges and no extras added on later. With the personalized one-on-one service we give each client, we are sure you'll be glad you came to us first.

Phone Agent

Some of Our Services Include Removal of:

  • Late Payments
  • Charge Offs
  • Foreclosures
  • Judgments
  • Repossessions
  • Personal Identification
  • Closed Accounts
  • Bankruptcies
  • Negative Settlements
  • Liens
  • Collections

With our credit repair service, we first do an in-depth analysis of your credit report and identify the items on your report that are the most damaging. We obtain your credit reports, at no additional cost to you, taking care of everything you need to fix your credit. All correspondence on your account is sent to you, so you know what is happening with your account, meaning you don't have to call us to check on updates. With PWS Credit Repair, you'll be on your way to healthy credit.

Contact PWS Credit Repair for credit repair services today!

Call (866) 942-0530

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Credit Adviser with Married Couple


Fair Credit Reporting Act

Hours of Operation

8 a.m.–5 p.m. CST
24 Hours a Day
7 Days a Week via Email

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